Printing and comments
Q1. Type this code into Python very carefully and get it working:
Q2. Can single quotes be used in the same way as double quotes for printing?
Q3. If you need to print the word don't, how can you do it?
Q4. How can you force the cursor to stay on the same line at the end of printing a line?
Q5. What is the backslash easily confused with?
Q6. How can you force the cursor to move along to the next tab position?
Q7. How can you move the cursor down three lines?
Q8. How can you display a backslash?
Q9. If you want to display a piece of ASCII art, for example, how an you do this?
Q10. Can you use three single quotes as well as three double quotes to display blocks of characters?
Q11. How can you add a comment to the top of a program?
Q12. How can you add a comment to the right of a single line of code?
Q13. How can you add a block of comments e.g. across a number of lines at the top of a program?
Extension task
Find out about the other escape sequence charaters that you can use in Python. Some of them are really useful!